Thunderclan Territory

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You found:

A common find, marigold is used to prevent wounds from infecting

You found:

Stinging Nettle
Common throughout the forest, stinging nettle has a variety of uses including: induce vomiting, bring down swelling, and fight infections

You found:

Often found in Twolegplace, sorrel is rare find this deep in the forest. It’s used as a traveling herb.

You found:

Your friend! She must be out hunting
+3 for the power of friendship

You found:

A snail
Can you even eat this?

Thunderclan Territory

Behind you, you hear the rustle of something in the undergrowth. Freezing, you sniff the air. Masked by the pungent smell of plants, you cannot make out its scent.

Backing into a bramble, you hold your breath as the unknown creature approaches.

Thunderclan Camp

Satisfied with your collection, you return to camp just as it begins to rain. Warm and dry in your den, you count the herbs you’ve collected. Let’s see how you did:

0-5 | Better luck next time!
6-10 | Okay!
11-15 | Great!
16-20 | Awesome job!

Thank you for playing!